Course Description:

Success in business depends on good communication, and it’s not just what you say – it’s how you say it. A well-written letter or email can help you get a job interview, make a sale, or impress your manager with a great idea you have, while a poorly written communication will have the opposite effect.  Poor communication skills cost you opportunities, as well as respect. They also reflect badly on the company you work for. Therefore, employers value those workers with superior business communication skills, those who can craft effective marketing literature for the company, or write convincing sales proposals. And no matter how good of a writer you think you are, everyone can use improvement. So, how do you become a better writer? It all starts with using good grammar.

Course Content:

This course is a practical introduction to using good grammar and promoting clarity and effectiveness in your day-to-day business writing. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how good grammar accelerates professional growth
  • List day-to-day activities critically reliant on effective writing
  • Self-assess your effectiveness in business communication, and
  • Identify and fix 7 common errors in business writing

Course Features:

  • Ready to Deploy: Purchase the course “as-is” and load into your Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Editable Source Files: Articulate Storyline source files are available for purchase so you can customize the course to fit your specific needs. View Pricing Here.
  • Customization Support: Need help? We are available to add your logo, corporate colors, fonts, and custom content. Click here to ask for a quote.

Why is Grammar Training Important?

Using proper grammar in your writing can glean many benefits, not the least of which is the respect of your peers.  Besides effectively communicating your ideas and thoughts, proper grammar also sends the message to the reader that you are competent, intelligent, and educated.  It also accelerates your career path, giving you an edge over the competition, and demonstrates your professionalism.  Using good grammar in your writing helps to eliminate miscommunications or embarrassment from making avoidable mistakes.  Finally, using proper grammar in the workplace helps facilitate effective teamwork by clearly communicating your thoughts to others in a way that is easily understood and acted upon.


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