Course Description:

The business consequences of bullying and misconduct can be severe. Employees who are bullied lose productivity and the conduct is detrimental to morale. Bullying can also increase employee turnover and give the company a negative reputation. No employer wants their business to have a reputation for being a terrible place to work, so it is crucial for everyone to recognize and stop bullying behaviors.

Course Content:

This course will introduce the concepts of bullying and abusive conduct, teach managers how to recognize this activity, and provide the do’s and don’ts for handling these scenarios.

Course Features:

  • Ready to Deploy: Purchase the course “as-is” and load into your Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Editable Source Files: Articulate Storyline source files are available for purchase so you can customize the course to fit your specific needs. View Pricing Here.
  • Customization Support: Need help? We are available to add your logo, corporate colors, fonts, and custom content. Click here to ask for a quote.

Why is Anti-Bullying and Abusive Conduct training important?

While there is no federal legislation specifically prohibiting workplace bullying, over half of the states in the U.S. have introduced workplace anti-bullying bills, and many more are on the horizon. Employers must be proactive about bullying and abuse, even in states where there is no legislation making that conduct illegal at work. Even if the act of bullying isn’t illegal, we must consider that bullies often target those who are different from them – someone of another race, religion, or sexual orientation. If this is the case, it’s considered discrimination against a protected characteristic, and violates state and federal laws. Therefore, it could be the basis of a lawsuit.

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